Bala Jagannathan

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Sri Bala Jagannathan ji, professional a Consultant Psychologist and an Evolutionary Astrologer is the main Acharya to teach the path of Samayachara Sri Vidya with the guidance of our Guru Swami Jagadatmananda Saraswati. Bala Jagannathan ji loves to help and motivate people who comes for counselling sessions. As the first disciple of our Guru Swami Jagadatmananda Saraswati, Bala Jagannathan continues to share his own experiences and visions to the true seekers of Aakarshana Vidya. He also helps people to analyze, understand and live the life to the fullest. He also delivers various lectures on Psychology, Philosophy and Personal Development. The learning experience with Bala Jagannathan ji makes the seekers into a lovable and matured soul.

Why Aakarshana Vidya?



Aakarshana Vidya helps in creating an inner palace for The Divine Mother Sri Lalita where she resides and reigns. The pathway to the journey of light and love.


Connect with divine cosmic wisdom that helps to reconnect, recreate and re-organize oneself.


Overcome unwanted thoughts, worries, depression, stress and gain the wisdom to understand, analyse and face the challenges of life with the help of The Love of The Divine Mother Sri Lalita. Live a blissful life.


Maintain the balance in life. Be free from all the mental problems and Gain concentration to enhance the lifestyle. The Divine Mother helps in balancing the thoughts and actions.