With the Blessings of
Swami Jagadatmananda Saraswati


Based on the ancient wisdom of the Universal Mother Goddess Sri Lalita -“SRI VIDYA”

The Aakarshana Vidya Meditation is custom made for all the seekers who seek the love and grace of The Universal Mother Sri Lalita. This comprises of 3 stages; Samayachara Sri Vidya, Mantras, Yantras, Sadhanas, Seva & Deeksha at the Abode of the Universal Mother Sri Lalita, Anuvavi Foothills, Coimbatore.

  • A rare opportunity to all seekers to gain the wisdom of Shiva-Shakti.
  • Learn to worship Sri Yantra / Sri Mahameru.
  • Learn about Dasa Maha Vidya (10 Cosmic powers).
  • With expert horoscope analysis & consultation, custom-made meditation is provided.
  • Overcome Anxiety, Stress, Depression and other mental ailments and gain clarity in Life.
Regular Batch begins on 28.04.2020 Weekend and Online Classes are conducted.
Date: 28.04.2020
Time: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm
Address: Coimbatore
Organizer Name: Aakarshana Vidya
Phone: +91 99651 55333
E-mail: info@srilalithambika.org