What is Sri Vidya
Sri Vidya is an ancient tradition practiced in India from time immemorial to attain the Ultimate Reality or Self Realization. It is the devotion and meditation of Mother Goddess Sri Lalitha who is the form of auspicious wisdom, power and wealth, embodiment of love, compassion and prosperity. Sri Vidya begins with the external worship of the idol which has four dimensions of name, form, sound and meaning. Soon after it turns as the adoration of Maha Meru, a three dimensional model of the Universe and then traverse the two dimensional Sri Chakra veneration. Later on it results in one dimensional meditation as the merger of the male and female energies within. The eventual aim is to attain the dimensionless state. The path explained here is based on the Samayachara tradition of Sri Vidya and there are yet other branches like Kowlachara, Vamachara and Misrachara etc.,
How Sri Vidya is related with healing?
Sri Vidya is a Holistic lifestyle. It encompasses an individual’s total well-being-intellectual, physical, mental, cultural, social, economic, spiritual, and universal. It becomes possible to face life successfully only when all the above eight are all well coordinated. Sri Vidya Healing is a gentle and subtle, yet effective system of healing using ancient techniques originating from Samayachara Sri Vidya, Yoga and Ayurveda.
When the devotee worships the Mother Goddess in Sri Chakra, he can feel all the happenings in his worldly, happening to his advantage. This chakra represents the Saguna and Nirguna aspects. The Goddess is worshipped as All Knowing, All powerful, Bestowed of all Wealth, Destroyer of all Diseases, the Foundation of all things, the Remover of all sins, All Blissful, the Giver of All Protection and good belongings. There are nine enclosures in the Sri Chakra and the seventh enclosure which has eight triangles is known as Sarva Rogahara Chakra meaning the remover of all diseases. The healing power of Sri Chakra is embedded in this summit. It is a mystical and powerful energy geometry which has 18 marmas which multiply as 108 through a secret formula. On the Sri Chakra, marmas are represented by the confluence of three intersecting lines.
18 Marma Sthanas in Sri Chakra
The meeting of three lines represents explicit harmony between Shiva and Shakthi; and they are vital spots in the body where the life-energy resides as well as accumulates. The marma has thus been calledthe Seat of Life or Jiva-sthana.
The 24 Sandhis
The intersections of two lines is called Sandhi; and there are are 24 such Sandhis. These intersections as well have a certain significance. The meeting of two lines represents union of Shiva and Shakthi. According to Bavanopanishad the same sandhis and marmas are also available
inhuman body. Activation of Marma points on the body, using Sri Vidya techniquesenhances the flow of Prana (life energy), resulting in a state of increased clarity, balanced and relaxation. Sri Vidya Healing is beneficial for almost everyone, whether in excellent health, or experiencing a physical or psychological challenge. The potential for healing is maximized when obstructions to the life force (prana)are removed.
The Square in the Sri Chakra is the space which represents the parallel universes and the concentric circles denote past, present, and future. The first enclosure called Thrailokya Mohana Chakra is the secret relationship and manifestation of space and time. In the physical body it represents feet, knees and thighs. The healing energy produced from this chakra heals knee pains, joint pains and rheumatism. It also heals the nervous system and helps to cure Alzheimer and insomnia. It is identifie d in kundalini yoga as the base chakra Muladhara. The second enclosure known as Saravasa Paripuraka Chakra is equivalent to the region below navel. The healing energy produced from this chakra heals the reproductive system. It helps in progeny. The sixteen petals denote desire, intellect, ego, sound, touch, form, taste, smell, mind, courage, memory, name, seed, soul, immortality and the body. This is related with Swathishtana chakra, the manifestation of life.
The third enclosure which has eight petals and called as Sarva Samkshobana Chakra is the navel region. This removes all the eight turbulence of desire, enmity, discrimination, obsession, greed, jealousy, ignorance and ego. The healing energy produced from this chakra heals ulcer, digestive disorders, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, diabetes, gall bladder stones, small and big intestine and appendicitis. It is related with Manipuraka Chakra, the manifestation of prosperity. The fourth enclosure which has fourteen triangles represent is known as Sarva Sowbagyadhayaka Chakra. It denotes the births in fourteen worlds. The healing energy produced from this chakra heals heart disease, low and high blood pressure. It is also related with Anahata Chakra. The fifth enclosure, the ten outer triangles is called as Sarvartha Sadhaka chakra. It provides all attainments. The physical part of the body related with this chakra is skin, lungs, shoulder and cervical bones. The healing power generated from this chakra heals skin disease, sinus, bronchial disorders, frozen shoulders and cervical spondylitis.
The sixth enclosure of ten inner triangles is known as Sarva Rakshakara Chakra. It bestows all power. It represents the region between eye brows and Agna Chakra. The healing power obtained from this chakra heals the brain, psychological disorders, eye and ear problems.
The seventh enclosure of eight triangles acts as the guiding principles and the central source of all healing power is known as Sarva Rogahara Chakra. The location in the physical body is the top and centre of head. The healing energy received from this chakra heals all chronic disease and karmic afflictions. The eighth enclosure which is the inverted triangle represents Shakthi and called as Sarva Sidhipradha Chakra. It grants all endowments. The location identified in the physical body is just above the head. The healing energy received from this chakra cleanses and purifies the whole body and systems.
The ninth enclosure is the bindu at the centre and it is the chakra of blissful state, Sarvanandamaya Chakra. The energy received from this chakra heals allchronic disease and bone related diseases.
One of the most important functions of the Sri Chakra is to act as a communications device much like an antennae that connects the individual mind with the Bramhan. Natural Law is Dharma in its Divine sense Maha Shakthi, who manifests as the structure and functionality of our universe.
The Sri Chakra of the Divine Mother is the archetype of Cosmos. It’s geometric patterns and frequencies establish the most fundamental aspects of Natural Law. Each one of us has an individual Sri Chakra that is usually found to be distorted and infertile with loads of accumulated karma. When we act spontaneously in perfect accord with Natural Law, the action resonates with the Sri Chakra of the Divine Mother and generates a life-supporting influence for the entire universe. But if we act out of sync with Natural Law, the action is damaging to life, both our own and ultimately the lives of everyone in the universe are affected in a negative way. Our own Sri Chakra is damaged and takes on more distortion and negative influence which leads to a decline in clarity of our connection with the core of Universal light and following actions will be even more in defiance of Natural Law. This state results in various kinds of physical and mental illness.
The healing power of Sri Vidya Mantra
All objects of our sense gratification are the products of egoism in ignorance. It is understood that by agitation of the element of egoism in ignorance, the first thing produced was sound, which is the subtle form of ether. It is stated also in the Vedanta-sutra that sound is the origin of all objects of material possession and that by sound one can also dissolve this material existence. The verse “Anavritthi Sabdat ” means “liberation by sound.” The entire material manifestation began from sound, and sound can also end material entanglement, if it has a particular potency. The special sound capable of doing this is the transcendental vibration of Sri Vidya Mantra which is the unified combination of cosmic sounds based on three major seed letters “Im, Hreem and Sreem”. Im is the sound of the auspicious wisdom which is eternal. Hreem is the healing energy and Sreem is the material.
Our entanglement in material affairs has begun from material sound. Now we must purify that sound in consciousness. When we chant these sounds, then our spiritual journey begins, and the other requirements for material needs are also fulfilled. We have to understand very clearly that sound is the beginning of the manifestation of all material objects for our sense gratification. Similarly, if sound is merged with consciousness it leads to the core of Self Realization. The core is designated by the centre bindu point of Sri Chakra from where enormous energy is produced. This energy has to be received with appropriate concentration. There are particular seed letters of sound vibrations for specific inner and external organs. They are applied properly for purification, healing and energizing the affected parts. Healing needs concentration of mind as explained in yoga sutras as Samyama, which is the merger of pratyahara, dharana and dhyana .
Paraphernalia used for healing
There are well designed paraphernalia used for Sri Vidya Healing. They are Maha Meru, Sri Chakra and Sri Yantra Healing wand. Maha Meru and Sri Chakra are made out of pancha loka with a particular combination of five metals. The sri Yantra healing wand is a new age tool for healing. It has a Sri Yantra made out of pure crystal in the tip. In the handle there are seven precious stones fixed which activate the chakras while practiced with proper guidance of the Guru.